Toy Story 4 DIY Pumpkins
It’s officially OCTOBER!!
Bring out all the pumpkin patches, costumes, and candy corn,….(well maybe not the candy corn LOL). With cooler weather and the Holidays approaching this is the best time for family fun.
Toy Story 4 is probably my favorite Toy Story of them all and on October 8th it will be out on blu-ray dvd. Toy Story is a classic and if you are a parent you probably have seen all of the Toy Story’s by now and now your children have too.
To celebrate October and Toy Story 4 on DVD I decided to do a Toy Story themed pumpkins and share how you can bring the family together to do the same.
What you will need:
Pumpkins (any medium size will work)
paper or plastic table cloth (it can get messy)
Carving set - this can be purchased at any walmart, target, or amazon
Woody Template (click to get template)
For non-carving pumpkins you will need the below (This is perfect for toddlers)
Acrylic paint 2 bottles per color- (we got ours at Michael’s for $.79)
Woody decorating kit - (Target $10)
Red and blue pipe cleaner - (Michael’s has them for .$.99)
Glue (Elmers glue or hot glue gun)
Different size wiggly eyes (Michael’s has them for $.99)
Carving Pumpkins
Cut the top of the pumpkin in a circle taking the top off and pretty much making it a lid. Clean out all of the seeds and excess pumpkin greatness. Once that is all done you can start on the template.
2. Once Step 1 is completed, you will use the carving tool to go in and cut the outline
3. VOILA, you will have the cutest Woody! Add a light inside of the pumpkin and watch Woody glow.
Carve-Free Pumpkins - Forky
Before starting you might want to use a paper towel just to wipe the pumpkin clean
Paint the entire pumpkin white (we used 2 layers). Let the paint dry.
Once dry, use the Red pipe Cleaner for the Arms and eyebrow (we forgot hot glue so what I did was I cut a small hole where I wanted the arms and I stuck the arms through the hole and it worked out perfectly. I did the same for the eyebrow)
With the blue Pipe Cleaner, you will make his mouth and you can glue it right on the pumpkin.
Add 2 different shaped wiggly eyes

Carve- free Pumpkins - WOODY
Paint the entire pumpkin Yellow. (we used 3 layers and it still wasn’t yellow enough. I would suggest painting the pumpkin with a layer of white first and then the 2nd and 3rd layer being yellow).
Once dry all you have to do is poke the head, arms, and legs where you want them
This woody one is probably the best for toddlers under 4 because it is quick, easy, and doesn’t require any carving tools at all.
Fall time is probably my favorite time because this is the time you are gathering and planning family events. This is a wonderful DIY family event that doesn’t have to be expensive. The Forky Pumpkin was less than $12 and you can use the materials to make more than one pumpkin.
Be on the look out for Toy Story 4 on Blu-Ray and DVD this October 8! Watch the movie while making Toy Story Pumpkins with the family! Thanks to my friends at Allied Global Marketing, we are gifting one lucky reader a FREE copy of Toy Story 4 on DVD! You made it this far, so the secret code word to be entered is “FORKY”. You can enter my giveaway that is open for 24 hours by going to my recent photo and commenting FORKY or in my stories there is a slide that allows you to let’s you answer my secret code!
If you do this DIY, please share your photos with me and tag me @Pattytellsall.
Happy October Friends!
This Blog post was Sponsored by Allied Global Marketing.