Let the Summer FUN begin
Let’s be real, summer is here and the kids are out of school and if you are anything like me, I DO NOT want my child driving me insane all summer with boredom or video games. I have complied a mini summer guide to help make planning summer events and activities a little easier.
These are camps I have personally had Eli in and I loved them! I am all about activities and making sure Eli isn’t sitting in a building bored out of his mind waiting for me to pick him up. The below camps were fun, interactive, and affordable.
Lifetime Fitness
If you are a working parent like myself, you may have that guilt inside of you where you wish you were spending the entire summer with your kids, I know I always feel so bad that I cannot spend the summer with Eli but I make the best of the schedule I do have. Below is a list of things you can do with the kiddos.
Children’s Museum - you can visit the Children’s Museum for Free on Thursdays from 5pm-8pm
Wet n Wild (Formerly known as Splash Town)
Budget? What’s that? LOL!! Having the kiddos at home means you are probably spending more money on food and activities. You don’t have to spend a lot of summer everyday for your kiddos to have fun. Below is a list of things that are either free, or at very low cost.
Discovery Green - Discovery green has an event calendar with all of their summer family activities
Splash Pads
Here are a couple of cost savings passes that you can use to save money this summer.
“Summer means happy times and good sunshine. It means going to the beach, going to Disneyland, having fun.