At Home Teeth Whitening: Does it Work?
There is no hiding the fact that I am a busy bee. Every day is a different agenda, morning school drop off, work, school, events, etc. With a tight schedule it is hard to find time to go get whitening treatments done. I have mentioned before, I am obsessed with teeth. (Random, I know). Being in front of the camera so much, I know a white smile is important. Smile Brilliant exceeded my expectations on the teeth whitening and I couldn’t be more excited to share my experience and all about it.
“Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.”
Smile brilliant has made my teeth whitening experience easy and I was impressed by how effective the treatments are.
The kit comes with the following;
Catalyste & base paste to make your impressions for your custom whitening trays
a stamped envelope for you to put your impressions inside to mail to a professional lab to get your whitening trays fitted perfectly
Here is a quick rundown of what I did when I got my Smile Brilliant Whitening kit. When I received my whitening kit I started with making my impressions for my trays. You mix the catalyst and base paste. I rolled mine into a ball until both were blending perfectly and I spread it evenly on the impression tray (make sure you do this fairly quickly because it will harden) I put the impression tray on my upper teeth pushed up and let it harden for 30 seconds to a minute. I repeated the same step for my bottom teeth. I let the trays sit overnight and I mailed them back to Smile Brilliant.
These are my impressions and the stamped envelope to send them back to Smile Brilliant!
Within 2 weeks I received my trays to start my whitening process. I wasn’t sure how well my teeth would take to the whitening gel but to my surprise I did not have any issues or pain. The first night I opened up my first whitening gel and put a dot on each tooth (in the tray) and left my trays on for about 45 minutes. I wanted to get a feel of how the trays felt, how my teeth would feel, and how to adjust to anything if needed. I waited 3 days and I repeated the same steps except this time I put in my trays earlier. After dinner I brushed my teeth and then immediately put the trays on. I left the trays on for 3 hours. During that time I was able to catch up on emails, do homework, and a load of laundry. Since the trays are made from your impressions, they are a perfect fit. I could still talk and I was still getting stuff done while whitening my teeth!
It got to the point that after lunch at work I would put my trays on so I could leave them on longer. My teeth were able to handle having the trays on for 3 hours at a time but I did not do the treatment everyday. After the 3rd day of the whitening treatment I could already see a difference. The process was so easy and I was surprised how quickly I could tell a difference. Within 2 weeks of treatments I had people asking me how are my teeth so white. SMILE BRILLIANT of course!
Before and After
When trying something new you really are not sure what to expect. My teeth were not that bad but as mentioned, I am obsessed and wanted a whiter smile. The whitening process was so simple. What I really liked is how I was able to still run my errands and do things that I needed while the trays were in place whitening my teeth. Here are a couple of questions that I have been asked;
Did you experience any pain or were your teeth sensitive afterwards?
No, I did not experience any pain at all. The days I left my trays in for multiple hours, I had very little sensitivity. I did not eat anything right after I took the trays out and avoided cold water.
Is it a long process?
The process can be however long or short that you want it to be. I did the treatment twice a week for 4 weeks. I have enough whitening gel to do another 2-4 treatments if needed.
Do I have to use all the whitening gel?
Nope, the gel is good for 6 months to a year.
What if I run out of whitening gel, do I need to buy another kit?
No, you can purchase just the whitening gel online!
Were the trays uncomfortable?
Not at all! My son couldn’t notice when I had the trays in. I could still talk and they fit perfectly.
Overall, I loved the kit and how effective it was. I drink wine, I drink coffee, and I am a busy bee. The kit made it easily to do the process at my own pace. We don’t all have a lot of time and this made it easy for this mom to whiten her teeth! I will warn you, I think my smile got bigger LOL!
Since I loved my results so much, I want to give you an opportunity to get a whitening kit as well! (Value $149.00) entering is SUPER easy! Just click the link below.
If you want to skip the giveaway and go ahead and purchase your whitening kit, you can receive 15% off with coupon code: pattytellsall15
Be sure to follow both Smile Brilliant (@smilebrilliant) and me (@Pattytellsall) on Instagram