Oh, HEY 2018!
Ladies and Gents, we made it to 2018 and if you are reading this, it means you have already made my 2018 more special! I bet you are wondering, "What is this blog going to be about?" "What makes this blog special, different, or interesting?" Well, I will be honest with you, the difference between Patty Tells All and any other "Houstonian" blog is the person behind the content. Everyone has their opinions and thoughts about places they go to, the food they eat, and the things they like. This blog will introduce you to places you may not have heard of, places you may have never seen, or help you in any future photo op. Or as I like to call them, Instagram worthy photos (BECAUSE LET'S GET REAL, WE ALL WANT THAT PERFECT INSTAGRAM PICTURE).
“Hey, Where did you take that picture?”
As a photographer, I do a lot of research on locations for photoshoots. Houston is such a HUGE city that the locations for photographs are honestly, ENDLESS. When driving around scouting locations, I sometimes run into little "hole in the wall" places to eat or grab a snack. While driving around in Old Katy once, I discovered what is now my FAVORITE brunch spot (You'll hear all about it soon). I have so many great posts coming your way. The photos above are just a little of what's to come. I am so excited that you are taking this journey with me and I can't wait to hear your feedback! I am going to make this post short, because I don't want to bore you, because in just ONE week, I will have a very guiding and fun post to share!!
Here's a little sneak peek of Februarys Blog Post!